FLOSSK has a long experience in organizing conferences, starting with Software Freedom Kosova in 2009. Software Freedom Kosova is an annual international conference held in Kosovo organized to promote Free/Libre and open-source software, free culture, and an open society. Every year, SFK brings together developers and software users, artists, entrepreneurs, and leaders to collaborate, learn and share common interests in the field of open technology through a combination of lectures, training, and workshops.
FLOSSK has also organized the State of the Map Southeastern Europe 2019 conference. State of the Map Southeastern Europe was a three-day conference held at the Innovation and Training Park in Prizren which brought together stakeholders in the OpenStreetMap and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ecosystem. Around 150 mappers, software developers, academicians, NGOs, business leaders, and users of OpenStreetMap from the US and Europe came together to create opportunities for knowledge exchange, networking, and partnerships.